

菁菁 / Lu, Ching Ching
心理語言學、失語症學 、語言學習與評量


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  • Bates, E., Federmeier, K., Herron, D., Iyer, G., Jacobsen, T., Pechmann, T., D’Amico,S., Devescovi, A.,Wicha, N., Orozco-Figueroa, A., Kohnert, K., Gutierrez, G., Lu, C-C., Hung, D., Hsu, J., Tzeng, O., Andonova, E., Székely, A., & Pléh, C.(2000). Introducing the CRL International Picture Naming Project (CRL-IPNP).Center for Research in Language Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 1. La Jolla: University of California, San Diego.
  • Bates, E., D’Amico, S., Jacobsen, T., Szekely, A., Andonova, E., Devescovi, A., Herron, D., Lu, C-C., Pechmann, T., Pleh, C., Wicha, N.Y.Y., Federmeier, K.D., Gerdjikova, I., Gutierrez, G., Hung, D., Hsu, J., Iyer, G., Kohnert, K., Mehotcheva, T., Orozco-Figueroa, A., Tzeng, A., & Tzeng, O. (2003). Timed picture naming in seven languages. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10(2), 344– 380.
  • Lu, C.-C., Tzeng, O., Bates, E., & Wulfeck, B. (1998). Sensitivity to agrammaticality in Chinese aphasics (Abstract). Brain and Language, 65(1), 63-64.
  • Lu, C-C., Bates, E., Li, P., Tzeng, O., Hung, D., Tsai, C.-H., Lee, S-E., & Chung,Y-M. (2000). Judgments of grammaticality in aphasia: The special case of Chinese. Aphasiology, 14(10), 1021-1054.
  • Lu, C-C. (2001). Influence of Word Recognition on Chinese Sentence Segmentation. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing, 7(1),63-69.
  • Lu, C.-C., Bates, E., Hung, D., Tzeng, O., Hsu, J., Tsai, C.-H., & Roe, K. (2002).Syntactic priming of nouns and verbs in Chinese. Language and Speech, 44(4),437-471.
  • Szekely, A., Jacobsen, T.; D'Amico, S., Devescovi, A., Andonova, E., Herron, D., Lu,C.-C., Pechmann, T., Pléh, C.,Wicha, N., Federmeier, K., Gerdjikova, I.,Gutierrez, G., Hung, D., Hsu, J., Iyer, G., Kohnert, K., Mehotcheva, T.,Orozco-Figueroa, A., Tzeng, A., Tzeng, O., Arévalo, A.L., Vargha, A., Butler,A.C., Buffington, R., & Bates, E. (2004). A new on-line resource forpsycholinguistic studies. Journal of Memory and Language, 51(2), 247-250.
  • Lu, Ching-ching. (1999). Influence of different morphological structure on Chinese word recognition process. The 8th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Lu, Ching-ching. (1999). Aprosodic phenomena in a tonal language, presented in the ASHA Convention, San Fracisco.
  • Lu, Ching-ching, E. Bates, D. Hung, & O.Tzeng. (2000). Chinese Syntactic Priming in Cued Shadowing and Picture Naming, in the Proceedings of the Program NOW/NSC joint workshop on cognitive science on April 25-26 2000 at Landgoed Groot Warnsborn, Arnhem, The Netherlands.
  • Lu, Ching-ching. (2000). Word Recognition and Chinese Sentence Parsing, presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing, The University of Queensland, Australia.
  • Lin, Y.W., Lu, C.C. (2003). An empirical study on learning alphabetical writing system in Souhern Min for the school children: focusing on the interference from the English orthography. Conference on Native Education, Taipei: Taipei Municipal Teachers College.
  • Lu, Ching-ching. (2003). Pragmatic issues in multilingual education. Conference on Native Education, Taipei: Taipei Municipal Teachers College.
  • 呂菁菁(2004)。漢語複合詞字義對詞義的促發。第五屆漢語辭彙語義學研討會,國立新加坡大學,新加坡。
  • 劉沛慈,呂菁菁(2004)。探究漢語辭彙XYaYa與XYbYb 形式之語義分別。第五屆漢語辭彙語義學研討會,國立新加坡大學,新加坡。
  • 呂菁菁。(2004)。學術職場中相對的地位:女性語言習慣所造成的效果。性別、媒體與文化研究學術研討會,台北:世新大學。
  • 李淑娥、呂菁菁、鍾玉梅、王振世。(2006)。「波士頓失語症測驗」中文版常模之建立。中華民國聽力語言學會九十四年度學術論文發表會,九十五年二月十二日,台北:台大醫院國際會議中心。
  • Qun-Zhan Lin & Ching-Ching Lu. (2006). The Perceptual Magnet Effect on Bilinguals: a study of event-related potentials. The Second Workshop on Phonology in Taiwan, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu. 
  • 林樞寰、呂菁菁、廖恪修、李孟儒、賴彥廷、黃寶儀、張耀君。(2007)。失語症病人腦部受損部位造影與語言表現的比較。中華民國聽力語言學會九十五年度學術論文發表會,九十六年一月二十八日,台南成大醫學院。
  • 賴彥廷、呂菁菁、林樞寰、廖恪修、黃寶儀、張耀君。(2007)。華台雙語失語症病人的語言測驗分數對復健醫療從業人員的啟示。中華民國聽力語言學會九十五年度學術論文發表會,九十六年一月二十八日,台南成大醫學院。
  • C.-C. Lu ; A. L. Arévalo ; B.-Y. Huang ; E.A. Bates; & N. Dronkers. (2007) . Action-Object Processing in Chinese Aphasia across three Tasks: a cross-linguistic and cross-modal analysis. May 5-8, 2007, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual meeting in New York.
  • C.-C. Lu ; N. Dronkers. (2007). Tonal Comprehension of Chinese Bilingual Aphasics. September 10-12, 2007, The British Aphasiology Society Biennial International Conference, The University of Edinburgh.
  • Cheng-Ling Yu, Ching-Ching Lu, Sheng-Fu Liang, Chin-Teng Lin. (2007). An ERP study of Taiwanese speakers with aphasia – taking nouns and verbs as examples. September 10-12, 2007, The British Aphasiology Society Biennial International Conference, The University of Edinburgh.
  • 呂菁菁,許玉齡,林雅雯,陳佩玥,柯怡姍。(2008) 幼稚園母語教學活動設計重點及「母語融入幼稚園教學增能網站」之建置。九十七年五月二十九日至五月三十一日,【全球化趨勢下的教育革新與展望】兩岸四地學術研討會,國立新竹教育大學。
  • Yi-Hsiu Chen, Ching-Ching Lu, Sheng-Fu Liang, Chin-Teng Lin. (2008). Language Attrition in Priming Effect on Spoken Word Processing by Older Bilinguals: An ERP Study. 2008/7/21~7/26, The 18th International Congress of Linguists, Seoul, Korea.
  • 呂菁菁。(2008)。後現代臺灣本土教育的前景。2008年9月6、7日,第七屆臺灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會,國立臺灣師範大學。
  • 呂明蓁、呂俊宏、呂菁菁、胡志偉、許聞廉。(2010)。結合「言詞合成」和「言詞搭配」概念所開發的華語文學習系統。2010年4月29日。2010電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會。新竹教育大學資訊科學研究所
  • Ching-Ching Lu(2010). The effect of phonological awareness training on rhyming words of children’s lyrics for kindergartners. July 02-03, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Ching-Ching Lu(2010). The effect of different combinations of the teaching contents in phonological awareness training: analysis, synthesis and visual symbols. July 02-03, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Ching-Ching Lu(2010). The effect of different types of phonological structures within the syllable on phonological awareness performance. July 02-03, University of Toronto, Canada
  • 呂明蓁、呂俊宏、呂菁菁、胡志偉、許聞廉。(2010)。從次類詞類標記探討唐詩詩句中語詞的詞類分佈及語法對稱情形。2010年10月4日。第五屆文學與資訊學術研討會。國立台北大學。  

